Brújulas -Compasses- was a 6-month design-oriented problem-solving programme for Guayaquil-based NGO Niños con Futuro. High school students were challenged with creating a project that addressed a problematic situation that is close to them and their communities. The programme climaxed in an event where the students presented their proposals on a stage shared with representatives from other NGOs, education startups and live music. Brújulas was envisioned as an experience, a shock for the students into acknowledging how valuable their ideas are.

Inspired by Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy, Brújulas asked students to delve in the collective knowledge already present in the community to generate new understandings and be more critical about the education that they were receiving. It aimed to be an instance where education responds to the needs of its community, in this case, one that had been systematically neglected and found itself in a vulnerable situation. The students carried out 7 social innovation projects. We had the participation and support of another 7 organizations as well as 7 professionals from the creative industry who accompanied the groups during the process. Brújulas had an attendance of approximately 800 people and is now in its 3rd edition.
Video produced by the students themselves.
Video produced by the students themselves.

Programa para Fundación Niños con Futuro en calidad de Coordinador de Innovación Educativa.
Coordinación, Dirección Creativa: Alfredo Ramírez
Equipo de profesores: Kevin Morán, Juan Arias, Sandra Marcillo, José Lazo, Ramón Triguero, Chanena Bajaña, Alfredo Ramírez
Mentores Externos: Nicolás Falquez, André Rangel, Adolfo Arguello, Gaby Moncayo, Daniela Mora, Daniela Albán, Romy Wolf
Rectora: Mgs. Mirella Fuentes de Fonseca